The Prestige Blog
Tooking for delicious, healthy recipes and meal inspiration, or want to know what is the best non stick frying pan? We're here to provide the everyday meal-time heroes with inspiration, kitchen hacks, cooking tips and more!

Fillet Steak with Wild Mushrooms
Celebrate valentine's day with an extravagant home cooked fillet steak. Serve with mash and vegetables of your choice; perhaps even toasting the occasion with glasses of pi...- 2 Feb 2016

Griddled Mango with Dark Rum and Passionfruit Sauce
Staying in with your Valentine this February 14th? No Valentines meal is complete without dessert. Throw off the clichéd chocolates and ditch the shop-bought sweets; round ...- 2 Feb 2016

Heart Shaped Cinnamon and Vanilla Buns
These easy cinnamon and vanilla bread rolls make the perfect breakfast for Valentine's Day. Serve warm with a dollop of cream and some jam.- 2 Feb 2016

Salted Chocolate & Marshmallow Popcorn
Saturday night at the movies? Ditch the ticket queues and snuggle up on the sofa with this delicious salty sweet treat, made with your own Prestige popcorn maker.- 2 Feb 2016